In my experience coaching my clients, even though they all have unique circumstances, I’ve noticed that every goal comes down to this:

One or two big overlying mindset issues plus the desire to support their wellbeing at a deeper level

Take my client Annie, for example, (for the sake of privacy, I’ve changed her name). 

Annie completely transformed her relationship with stress.  She came to me overwhelmed about a new job wondering if she had made the right career move.  As we dug deeper Annie and I discovered that she had underlying imposter syndrome in the shape of “I’m not good enough for this role” and fears of “I’m going to fail at this job”  coupled together with not spending enough time doing things that filled her cup, leaving no time left for her relationships and throwing her health and wellness out the window,. 

We all have unique circumstances but from what I know from my sessions with Annie and others is that  it comes down to these 3 factors …. 

Mindset, connection, lifestyle.  

Annie was overwhelmed, exhausted, wasn’t sleeping, had no time, no energy, felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, was stressed & anxious.  The thing is, Annie isn’t the only client I've worked with like this.  I see this in ALL my clients.  You may resonate with this too.  

Through my work at Clear Mind Studio and coaching I've identified the process we have to go through to mitigate the stress and feel balanced, happy and successful again. And if you look at Annies case you’ll see why this makes so much sense. 



= Going from burned out and stressed to balanced, purposeful, energised and happier than you’ve felt in years.  

This is the ethos and method created by Craig and I that we follow with our clients that works for anyone.